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AtmosMarine offers customized weather forecast and nowcast analysis, reports and even web portals to federal and state and local government agencies. We securely evaluate conditions and make informed decisions based on scientific data, professional evaluation, and forecasts correctly calibrated to your local observed data and risk considerations. We help to plan events, anticipate hazards, coordinate emergency services, manage delays caused by weather, and schedule reopening.


We can provide weather windows information, hourly forecasts and daily detailed reports including: critical temperatures, lightning, high speed winds, excessive rainfall and soil saturation information at your location. AtmosMarine weather data is robust and ensuring public safety and operational efficiency.


Our solutions include:

  • Confidential data and reports

  • Customized weather portal to be developed to client and stay on client's server

  • Alarms and Warnings - all support during emergency and extreme events

  • Most accurate forecast with the integration of neural networks (AI)


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